Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"Puppy Chow" - Rough Animation

Yay! I'm done! Well.... sort of... I finished all the key frame animation most of the in-betweens. But my backgrounds & audio are complete. My teacher really likes it, I hope you do too!

I'll be working on in-betweening the rest of the animation for the next week and a half, that way I can start clean-up animation the first week of April (which is when Spring quarter starts). I'll also be working on complete character turnarounds, phoneme sheets, and facial expressions in April, so look forward to that too! :)

I'll probably be working on other projects during this spring break, but I'll inform you about those later. Have a great day! :D

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I finished this scene early yesterday morning but forgot to post it :P It's the 2nd out of 4 scenes. The rest are pretty long so the next time I post it will probably be the whole animation.

Just as a side note (in case you were wondering), I drew everything (backgrounds & characters) in Adobe Flash.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Life Drawing

Went with my friend to Apache Café last night. I love that place! Live jazz music, yummy desserts, French press coffee, AND life drawing!! The best.

I like sketching in colored pencil because not only does it force you to not erase, but it's colorful too! :) Here are a couple sketches:

Sorry the pictures are kind of dark. My sketchbook is bigger than my scanner so I have to take pictures of my drawings :(

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Character Concepts / Turnarounds

Yay! First post! Well I'm starting my last year of animation and this quarter has been pretty tough with all the work I've been doing, but I like the challenge. :)

Here's one of the projects I've been working on this quarter. It's about a 2 minute short I created about my dog being sneaky and eating our food. I've already created the animatic with my storyboards & some sound effects & music I found online. Now I'm going to be spending the next week creating the rough animation, which I will be posting in small chunks during the week. It's due Tuesday, March 20th so I'm going to be pretty busy all week!

Here's a couple concept sketches & turnarounds I made for my characters (my dog Ari & my mom).